13 August 2008

My letter to my universal

Dear Universal

May you grant me power thoughts.
Let the thoughts that I have shape me into a stronger and better someone.
Free me from any stuck situation and dissolve all the negative thoughts. Let the positive thoughts fertilize the garden in my life. Fill my life with joy and peace in this journey.

I know my body can heal itself. My willingness to forgive will heal me.
I trust my inner wisdom and the inner place in me will guide me. This is the place where my inner self provide me with the answer to my own questions.

Even if I do not how to forgive I know that I can learn to forgive and you will help me. This forgiveness will be a gift from you. I thank you for this richness day that you grant me. The higher instinct and my heart will make peace with you. Together we work wonder.

The rhythm and flow in life that I’m with you will bring me the highest growth.
My perfect living space will bring my love. I thank you for the gift for today, the love for today. Fill my home, my work place to everywhere I go with all my needs. Let each moment be a wonderful experiences.

What I believe will become true for me and I trust that my life will get better all the time. I am willing to let go and serve my life with any positive ways. My new thoughts will always be positive and fulfilling. My thoughts that shape will world will be friendly, comfortable, loving, laughing and fantastic thoughts.

If there is any unloving thought, I quickly change it to a loving thoughts and I know you will support me. I have unlimited choice with my thoughts and there is no blames, therefore I chose thoughts that are useful for me. I release the need to blame anyone. I will do the best to let go and only the good will come.

I release all the things that cloud my vision. I will see the world with compassion and I know I’ll be safe with you. All lives love and will support me. I breathe in love and life supports me with all good. I am whole and complete. All is Well.

In any situation when I experience challenges, I immediate tell myself, in this situation only good will come, and all is well and soon I know you will get me to the best situation. I will go beyond and fears and limitation. It is my mind that will create my own reality. I am at peace with myself.

I am Loved. I love life. I love my vibrant and healthy body. I love my positive thoughts.
Today will be a great day and everyday will be.

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