12 April 2009

Case of the Month!

My recent case of the month:
Father 67 years old, mother 41 years old, and Son 18 years old…
What is the possibility for healthy relationship between 26 years old different husband and wife?
Well, I really don’t know. They must be super communicator if their marriage who fantastically well.
The more family I attend to, the more that I am more selective about the pre-requisite for starting my own family. Human are just so complicated.. I guess that is also the thrilling fun and I am chasing after.
Dear reader, if you heard of any family stories, regardless or soap opera or lovely dovey stories, please write to me. rossanachen@hotmail.com.
*I’m doing a compilation of family stories in Singapore.
Write to me now.. be it your stories, or someone else's.