01 March 2009

Incompetent or Not Trainable

In my line of work, I come into contact with many people.
Have seen tremendous improvement from others and yet one of the things that I take it to heart is the person willing to strive for betterment.

I believe that everyone is trainable and to certain extend, given faith, hope and empowerment. Things will always work out. Later then I realized that not everyone want to be better. I have been working with him for two years, from worst till beyond salvation. I really wonder, am I the one that is incompetent in making the difference, (Sometime I even fill that I’m just “dreaming” and “hallucinating” myself that things will be better.) Or the flip side of it is, this person cannot be taught!

I think I have to come to term with myself soon. Reality after all means cruelty.
Humanity doesn’t seem to exist in the dictionary of this society.
Perhaps ISFP just need to meet similar SF people..

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